KATHERINES CORNER · LIFE STORIES, At Home Interests, Inspirational, Gardening, Bible and Topics of Interest · Wordless Wednesday
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Hello Katherine. I wanted to thank you for stopping by my hiking blog and leaving your nice comment.
Also wanted to say I love the "wind flowers" in this picture. I love anything that moves in the wind.
I hope you also visit my other 2 blogs, especially my photoblog.
These are so cute! Might have to let my allergy-riddled three year old make one in the backyard.
a great idea!
This is my first visit– love your blog!
Oooh so pretty! (and easy to look after
I just stumbled on your blog, btw, I love it! Well done! xx
It totally works! Love this photo.
These are so cheerful and cute!
Hello Katherine,
It is so nice to meet you and visit your delightful blog. What a cute no flower garden.
Have a lovely week.
That is so cute! You don't have to water it either!
Oh my goodness! This is a flower garden that even I could grow.
Cute. Cute. Cute.
Adorable "no flower" garden. On the other post the wallpaper scrap ideas are great.
Thank you, for becoming a follower of my blog. I am now following yours and looking forward to seeing more of your great ideas. Hugs
Cute and fun! Great photo
The perpetual garden, no less, and Xeriscape at its ultimate best!
Nice to meet you!
Too cute and it looks so cheery.
Very cute! My granddaughter would love this!
You are so right! These are adorable! Love the little froggie!
Flowers that require no water, no sun, and no upkeep – and are cute as can be, too!
Happy WW! Love the pic! Very whimsical.
How upbeat, and no work like weeding, pruning, deadheading and feeding needed.
That is a cute and happy garden!
THis is exactly what I need! Flowers I can't accidently let die! lol
I like that no maintenance approach to gardening.
Such a happy, colorful no flower garden.