decorated easter eggs

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  2. Thank you for hosting another party. I haven’t been out much, but I have noticed social distancing at the grocery store. Our links this week are: #195, #196, & #197.

  3. Thank you for hosting! This is what I featured the week of 4-6 to 4-10-20 on my blog. On Tuesday was Turtle Crepes With Custard Cream. Wednesday was Strawberry Crepes With Peach Sauce. Thursday was Nutella Crepes With Fruit. And winding up this Week of Crepes is Tip Friday 7 Best Egg Substitutions and Examples. Enjoy! Stay positive.

  4. Glad you spent Easter virtually with family.
    We don’t do eggs anymore but ours never looked that good. Especially the death egg! (Family tradition – dip one egg in every color multiple times until it’s almost black in color. Yes, we were a weird family.)

  5. Thank you so much for hosting. This was the first year my boys didn’t want to decorate Easter eggs and I really missed that fun activity. Linking up today as #65,66 & 69

  6. Thanks so much for hosting! I’m linking up today with A GERMAPHOBE AND COVID-19 and INTERNATIONAL SAFETY PIN DAY.

  7. Hi Katherine. Boo, I did not decorate a single egg this year. Next year will hopefully be a different season for it. 🙂 Thank you so much for hosting TFT and for sharing your faith. I’m sharing a few things I have been up to including sprucing up a guest bedroom with a beautiful wall mural. It only took a few hours, but we absolutely love it. Find me at #50, 51, and 52. Wishing you hope bubbling up from a secret place in the soul that you can trust. xox

  8. Katherine,
    My Link Ups for today’s party are # 39, 40 and 43!
    Thanks so much for continuing to host during this health crisis, spreading beauty, laughter and information!! Stay Safe, Healthy and Happy!!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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