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  1. I’ve printed this one out and have everything it calls for so will try it tomorrow!

    Visiting you through Kris’ spotlight and will now read other posts!


  2. this looks wonderful.
    For a more colorful salad, I like using the colored garden pasta and tossing in some sliced black olives.
    Going to make this to go with my pork chop supper.
    Thank you

  3. Hi Katie, this I should have found earlier – we had a heatwave in Hamburg till 2 days ago – but the weatherforecast is good, so I'll give it a try on Saturday. On my new blog "You are witty and pretty" I will bring a few mouthwatering recipes, too – I'm still working at the content-outfit. Like to see you there! Britta

  4. Hi Katie, I like each and every one of these ingredients and the salad will be very tasty I agree.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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