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  1. Oh how pretty! This is the first time I visited your blog. I must say I LOVE the header! So pretty, classic and romantic! I love cream colored roses and have them throughout my apartment.

  2. Hi there,

    New follower via Tara's Blog hop. I also followed you via Twitter, I'm islandhoney29.

    Great blog you have here…look forward to reading more.

    The Things We Find Inside

  3. Here (late) for the Friday blog hops! Great blog! Your newest follower. Hope to see you at Dropped Stitches!

    xo Erin

  4. Hi Katherine! Thanks for stopping by my Fresh Clean and Pure Friday blog hop. I am following you back and LOVE YOUR BLOG! I look forward to reading more and hope that you stop by next Friday and post something fresh in your life for others' inspiration and for others to find your blog too! Bye for now, Roz

  5. Just beautiful…I'm already in the Fall mode, after reading your Blog, now even more so. Thank you so sharing.

  6. It looks like your Fall will be beautiful. Everything is lovely.

    And your cake recipe for your last post– Om my! It's calling my name.

    happy weekend, jj

  7. Hi,how are you today?I have surfed your blog serveral times, your blog is great and having a lot of intresting things. If you have time, you can visit my blog and feel free to give me some comment, more important thing is being my follower! Thank you very much.

    (My blog is

Love each other as God loves you xo

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