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  1. Katie, your home is cozy and full of beautiful Christmas cheer!!

    Have a lovely Christmas!!!!!!


  2. Hi Katherine!

    Such a pretty blog and love the music! I am following you back from my Channeling Ricky blog. Thanks for the follow!

  3. Everything is gorgeous! My Mom carries off that whole elegant thing, and me, I'm a little black sheep, too eclectic for anything themed! It's beautiful though, hope you enjoy your holidays!

    Following from Weekend Wander, have a fanstastic weekend!

    <3 Donna

  4. OOOOH your house it so pretty!!! Thank you so much for visiting my little world!!!! Im following back!! Merry Christmas!!!

  5. nice to see those christmas decorations.. i love the angel and reindeer…
    u've a very lovely space… i read some of ur post and wud like to mention that u r a good writer…
    do visit my blog someday!!
    Merry Christmas.

  6. I love Christmas. My spirit is a little low this year for some reason but I working through it.
    Your house looks wonderful. I am putting out less this year.

  7. What a pretty decor! Every corner and nook was beautiful. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Love to see you again soon. Merry Christmas..

  8. We are kindred spirits. i love how you put everything together. Thank you also for stopping by my blog and following. I am returning the love.

    Lisa @ Lesapea xx

  9. Your poem is very cute, and I like the cream and gold theme very much….so chic!
    will come to see the what is inside that package!(i,m so nosy ) hahah
    Have a lovely Christmas!

  10. Oh, nice Christmas decorations! I enjoyed seeing everything! I also enjoyed the video of the Nativity!

    Thanks for sharing!


  11. Katherine, you have done an amazing job of decorating and I love your spirit. I hope it goes along with you into 2011. Your blog was a bright spot in my day. Thanks,

  12. Your poem is very cute, and I like the cream and silver theme, which is different from my house, which has scads of colors.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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