ghosts in the kitchen Katherines Corner

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  1. Love the ghosts in the kitchen. I have my set up but won’t put them out until the day off. I’ve got a cool gothic hanging woman with red eyes, those fake eyeballs, a real skeleton arm and hand I will put a Victorian top on and black roses.

  2. Just something on the front door for the Trick or Treaters to see, I used to do a few autumnish decorations inside, but I’d rather just have Thanksgiving and Christmas ones. I like your idea of a few cute ones for the grandkids ♥

  3. those ghosties are just too cute! We love decorating for Halloween here in our house too. We keep it fun and cute though….I’m not much for the spooky stuff….unless its a cookie!

  4. Oh my goodness, those have to be the most adorable ghosts I have ever seen! Love them. And no, we don’t decorate for Halloween here…in fact, the only holiday we go to any length to decorate for is Christmas. Not sure why that is…I blame the hubby. Have a wonderful weekend~Hugs, xoxo

  5. We’ve never been big fans of Halloween….in fact, our kids never did trick or treat! (I guess now I’ll get hate mail for depriving them….LOL) I like to put out a few decorations for autumn, and then for Thanksgiving. I think Thanksgiving is a wonderful, meaningful holiday celebration that often gets overlooked and neglected!

  6. I’m afraid I am not a big Halloween fan either. My grandkids are and I sometimes feel bad for not being more engaged in the ritual. Actually, I was always afraid of the horror movies and the theme of witches, broomsticks etc. (I still cannot watch a horror movie).

    You have some really sweet decorations though…they are cheery Halloween decorations not scary! 🙂

    Have a great weekend, Katie. 🙂

  7. Cute decorations and love your little kitchen ghosts. They are adorable.
    I haven’t even gotten any of my Halloween decorations out. My musical witch is still in storage along with all the other decorations. I’m just slow and busy at getting around to do any decorating. My summer rose / butterfly wreath is still hanging. Guess I should at least get my fall wreath out

Love each other as God loves you xo

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