food ball and TFT

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  1. Hi Katherine. HAPPY LOVE DAY! Unfortunately, you indeed missed me and maybe didn’t see my comment and features last week! Last week I shared my before/after French courtyard, and today it’s about decluttering (#63) and peaceful encouragement from nature (#64). Thanks for hosting and the opportunity to share inspiration and see ripples of hope spread through the web. xox

  2. Hi Katherine! I am always up for more food ball than football! Great features this week. I’m partying with you at #62, #63, and #65…and they are all quite different from each other since I tend to have varied interests and moods (ahem. my family would second that!). Hope this February brings you fierce GRACE and LOVE, friend, and thanks for hosting TFT. xox

  3. Hi, I’m a new follower… I think. I thought I followed in the past, but I don’t remember getting anything, so maybe not. 🙂 At anyrate, I’m here now. My links are #137-139. Thanks for hosting! I’ve seen so much fun stuff this week!


  4. HI Katherine! I’m posted at #244 this week with a yummy snack! I’m loving all the snacks you have featured and I may need to pick a few for this weekend! Have a wonderful day sweet lady! 🙂

  5. Once again another GREAT party FULL of inspiring projects and recipes – thanks for hosting! Thank you so much for the wonderful feature this week.

  6. Thank you so much, my sweet friend for hosting and hoping you are indeed feeling better after being sick this past week. Hugs and wishing you a wonderful Thursday now xoxo <3

Love each other as God loves you xo

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