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  1. What a wonderful idea! I love this and love your picture; looks cozy 😉
    I’ll definitely keep this in mind next time my husband and I have a day to ourselves.

  2. Such a lovely, cozy day with just the three of you! I tend to have a pajama day every Saturday, but I keep having friends over :)) Thank you for leaving a sweet comment on my Thanksgiving gift wrap 🙂

  3. My husband Ricky Ricardo and I love to snuggle in bed on Sunday evenings and watch all of our HBO and Showtime series. The shows on now are Dexter, Boardwalk Empire, Homeland and Boss. So fun.

  4. Sounds wonderful…no, we haven’t….there always seems to be something to do, somewhere to go!…My hubby is up at 5 am every morning to he is out of his pajamas very early…as for me…I have pajama mornings all the time!!! 🙂

  5. Pajama days and that shrimp pasta recipe on SATURDAYS sound so comfy hava beautiful morning, i too am praying for peace for the people who had SANDY interrup their lives, with yuck. and also praying that the insurance companys will give them the money to rebuild RIGHT AWAY, back to hugs tho Pajama day and linquinie sound swell

  6. There’s no reason not to take the odd day just for yourselves. I think it’s really clever of your to make sure you take some down time and recharge your batteries mentally and physically.

  7. Somedays I stay in my PJ bottoms all day because they are so comfortable. I like to put them on early in the evening and watch TV. This brings to mind flannel P.J.’s… When my grandmother passed away, I inherited all of her flannel PJ’s. Some had been worn and were just perfect the way they were and others never worn at all. I loved them but especially loved the ones she had worn the best…soft, comfortable and a bit shabby. 🙂

  8. That’s a wonderful idea, Katie. The Norman Rockwell painting you described was a much more common scene 50 or 60 years ago before everybody got the idea that they needed to stay connected 24-7 to their 100 closest friends via electronic devices. Your pajama day is a mental health day, an important family bonding experience that everybody should try.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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