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  1. Glad you had so much fun with your grandkids. Ours are coming for the night in about 15 hours. We’ve got books to read and stories to tell. A little different from your gang, but it will be good.

    Thanks for visiting Bear at his Den.

  2. aww, so fun! I have always had a hard time getting up, but if I was at my grandparents’ house I would make sure to get up and ready! 🙂

    Glad you had fun


  3. Awwww, I just love that picture of all their little feet! So precious. Sounds like a wonderful week, for sure.

    Katherine, I love your blog, and will be following along as a new Bloglovin’ follower. I’m so glad that you found “this little light” through Paula’s hop, and I’m thrilled that I found you right back!

    Enjoy your Sunday!

  4. Good for Izzy helping out at bath time! I know what you mean about trying to get grandkids out for the bus on time! I did it for a couple of weeks when my daughter was sick. Where are all the mitts!!! lol

  5. Oh, my…my! Katie, I just love the photos, so clever and creative! I’m with you about tired but still smiling, I too had all 4 of my grandchildren this week, but not over night. just during the day…ages; 6-11.
    Love all the photos, and your sweet pup really looks very comfortable, and having all the fun with the kids, as well!
    Thanks for sharing…will link up now, thinking I was too late!
    Have a wonderful weekend:) xoxo

  6. Isn’t it wonderful to be able to spend time with your grandkids. They bring so much excitement and fun. I remember keeping mine after school, on weekends and during the summer what fun we had and oh how tired we were at the end of each day. HAH Great memories for sure!

    Have a wonderful weekend and I hope you get rested up!

  7. I do love being a Grandma, too — it’s pretty darn near the *best*!! Sounds like y’all had a lovely time and made lots of those wonderful memories!! Hey — do you have any openings for co-host for Favorite Things Thursday? I’d love to help out one week, if you do. Have a marvelous day and weekend!! Hugs! 🙂

  8. Soap bubble hair is so much fun, isn’t it? The last time I let the dog in the bathroom when I was soaking in the tub (with my eyes closed) he jumped in! Glad your dog didn’t do that because it’s a mighty surprise! 🙂

  9. Great pictures of the “Grands”! I love my little grand daughter and have so much fun with her too; can’t wait to find out what the next one will be in a couple of months!

  10. Hi, Katie! These are surely Norman Rockwell moments captured by your camera. It’s wonderful to see Izzy joining in the fun as the kids took a bubble bath. As for me it’s been a bittersweet week as we are saying “goodbye” to very good friends on my blog – a person and a place.

  11. Girl, I hear you on that! Mornings come so early. (and I’m not a morning person, that’s when I’m heading TO bed) By the time you add kids and school, whoa, it can be overwhelming! Glad you made some great memories, even if you didn’t have time for photos. I totally understand!

    My girls do the mismatched socks, too!

  12. Hi Katy. Wonderful times indeed my friend! Izzy is just so very cute! I’ve got Eli and Ruby coming to sleep this evening, and they will be with us tomorrow, so looking forward to making lots of memories as well. We have to make the most of these times, because they just grow up so quickly. Hugs.

  13. Aww…sounds like a wonderful time. I am getting ready for my grand kids to come over this morning. It’s always so much fun. Thanks for sharing 🙂

Love each other as God loves you xo

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