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  1. Yummy, this looks delicious! Thanks for sharing, very eager to try this recipe 🙂
    Love the new look of your Blog; looks great!!
    Have a wonderful week!

  2. I am happy to say we are having fall temps now after a very record breaking hot summer. This recipe looks so good and will have to give it a try soon. Thank you.

  3. Happy to hear you are getting such nice weather and you are still harvesting from your garden!! That is so great. I love to roast my eggplant almost the same recipe, accept take out the eggplant and add.. what else.. Zucchini!

  4. Katherine,

    I’m a big vegetable eater so this sounds wonderful and right up my alley. Husband hates eggplant, (I love it) but I can use another vegetable instead of the eggplant. Thanks so much for the recipe, as someone who is always looking for great vegetable dishes I really appreciate this one. 🙂 Have a great day!

  5. As I’m typing this, it’s 63 degrees and I’m loving it! It won’t stay this way, but I’m going to enjoy it while it’s here.

    Love the new fall header and the vegetables look delicious! I haven’t made eggplant in years, but when I did, I fried it.

  6. OH YUM YUM YUM!!!!! I have the stuff! lol!!!! I love it because I can go make it now and have it ready to pop into the oven later! Thank you my friend! So sorry I have been MIA…trying to catch up!!! How are you and the whole family and of course the little furry guy! Hope all is well! I am now hungry…reading these posts early in the am just get your taste buds primed : ) Sending tons of hugs to all!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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