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  1. Thank you for sharing your wonderful recipes! I love to cook, seems I spend most of my time in the kitchen making good things to eat. Look forward to trying your kitchen delights. Be well. Hugs, Gayle.

  2. it’s a flavorful one and a refreshing to eat, tasting this awesome recipe. I love potato since then that is why, i got an interest to cook this too.

  3. You are such a wealth of information Katherine. All of your recipes look luscious, tried and true. It amazes me how you continue to come up with such interesting posts. Thanks so much!

  4. This looks amazing!! I love potato in general. I have to try this one.

    ps: thanks for posting my giveaway.

  5. Oh yeah.. fried chicken is a staple at our holiday barbeques! YUM!! I won’t be able to eat it after my surgery in July.. GRRR! lol I didn’t realize you had a food hop too… I will do my best to remember on Mondays! I have “old lady brain.” 🙂

  6. Good grief! I wasn’t hungry until I stopped by and saw all of my favorites! Yummy!

    Thank you for posting the Get Wired Button to your Blog Hop Page! Have a great evening………..(stomach growling)

    1. I absolutely think you can make this just as delish with the gluten free flour. I’ll try and post more gluten and sugar free recipes. Did you make the gluten free pizza recipe?

  7. Wow! What an awesome spread! I totally agree about the poultry, washing hands and everything else it comes in contact with is a good idea! The peppers and potato salad look amazing! Thanks for sharing your recipes!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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