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  1. Happy Anniversary! We’re reaching our #16! What number are you celebrating?

  2. Hello, I come to via another friends blog.. I am co~author of and I enjoyed browsing your blog and wanted to introduce ourselves.. Heart of the Home is a womens ministry reaching out to women with encouragement from Gods word and his design for women as wives, mothers, friends and etc.. Hope you will get a chance to stop by and visit us, and that we can become Blogging Buddies.. Have a great weekend.. God Bless

  3. Hi Katie,

    Happy Anniversary to you and your husband. your post was so beautiful:It was so inspirational. My husband and I will be married 33 years comes July. The years seems to slip by. The years packed with memories.

  4. Happy Anniversary! I always sign cards to my husband and children ‘Always & Forever’. My dad used to sign them with ‘Always’. Great photo!

    1. Hi Mitzi, thank you, my ring is still just as shiny as in that photo. My husband told me I love you always and forever long before we were married. We found the song and made it our own. Hugs!

  5. Wordless…but caught my attention because the song ‘Always and Forever’ used to be our song! We’ve been married 29 years this year. It’s still my hubby’s favorite song I think. But we, as a couple, have a new song now. :-]

    1. Oh sweet bloggy friend, how wonderful. Yes we claimed that song as our own. My husband sung it to me after saying the words to me when we were first dating. Big Hugs!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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