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  1. Pingback: Exercise – Yes. Now. Today. | Calm.Healthy.Sexy.
  2. Hey Katie! I hope you and your family are holding up, praying for you. Thanks a lot for hosting again!

  3. New follower, thank you for hosting! Check out my current giveaway for a $25 shop credit to Sweet Peach Paperie! xoxo

  4. Pingback: How to Keep Ants out of Pet Food Bowl
  5. I am having fun at the hop this morning. Visiting some wonderful posts! Have a blessed day everyone. xx

  6. Happy 93rd Hop!! Thanks for hosting & have a great week!!

    PS ~ I love Izzy’s new do!! I have worked in the pet industry for years, but never as a groomer. I have NO IDEA how they can do what they do.

    Kim 🙂
    Soliloquy Of Food & Such

  7. Hello Katherine!
    It’s been a few weeks since I linked-up and I missed it! I love your blog. It is so full of joy and the members are wonderful, too. Thank you, for hosting this linky party. I am enjoying it. ~Cynthia

  8. Congrats on making it to 93! Woo! Looking forward to your 100th!

    Thank you so much for hosting.

    I hope you have a fantastic day & a wonderful weekend!


  9. Sorry Katherine, I accidentally put my normal blog link into the bloglovin link up! Apologies! xo

  10. Pingback: Friendship
  11. Thanks so much Katie!! Also to your your co host, Mary!! I’m so glad to be able to come and link up a project with you today!! It has been a whil, my friend!! I hope you and your family are well, and healing. You’re family and that of your husbands is still in my prayers. (Hugs)
    Many Blessings,

  12. Thanks a lot for hosting Katie! I have added my Bloglovin’ link as well as a link in your Thursday Favourite Things Hop. I am already following you on Bloglovin’. Take good care.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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