purple iris

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  4. Summer is coming!! We hope you have tons of fun things planned. Thanks for hosting another great party. We love your blog!

    Best Wishes,
    Sharon, Denise & Aubrie

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  6. I love irises (sp?) – they’re so pretty and delicate, (yet strong!), and the scent of the really dark purple is tdf! Thank you for your party! Have a great Thursday! Julia

  7. Hi Katie,
    thanks for hosting, am having a ball. Sorry about connecting to colouring in general, but individual pics giving weird addresses, hope you don’t mind.
    I hope that you have a fantastic day and weekend ahead.
    Love and best wishes.

  8. I so look forward to visiting your page because of all the lovely purple. That is just my favorite color! I love the party too. Thanks for hosting every week. Happy Memorial Day.

  9. Thanks for hosting! Going over to grab your button for our soon to be party page! Also be looking for Just a Touch of Crazy to start following you on your social media 🙂

Love each other as God loves you xo

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