build a better burger

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  1. These are such great tips, Katherine! I love a good grilled burger! My husband usually grills pork steaks, but I am going to get some burgers on that grill. xo

  2. I have a hard time getting my husband to let any meat rest, he wants to eat as soon as it is pulled off the grill or skillet! LOL I’ve tried telling him about the juices needing to settle too.

  3. I am a vegetarian and I still think the cheese makes the burger. it just looks good!! My family is full of carnivores, and since I cook for them daily, these tips come really in handy. 🙂

  4. These are great tips, Katie! Some of my fondest childhood memories revolve around the barbecue grill. My dad loved to cook burgers, franks, chicken, steaks and corn on the cob and I learned the art of grilling from him. Vivid memories allow me to smell those sizzling burgers and my mouth is watering at this very moment.

    Have a safe and happy weekend, dear friend Katie, and please give Izzy a big hug for me!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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