thursday blog hop

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  4. Thank you so much for hosting! I am soooo late to the party this week. Some how I got on the decorating for my high school class reunion next weekend, and it’s taking up all my time. LOL Hope you are having a wonderful weekend. XOXOXO

  5. Linked up our fitness journal, or shall I say lack of fitness journal;) I’ll be out of town coming up, just to let you know. I’ll be back!

  6. Pingback: Lemolade |
  7. Hello!

    Thank you so much again for hosting this linky. It is always nice to see what people have been up to! 🙂

  8. Hi Katherine! Thanks for the super sweet comment on my site. It meant so much to me. I think I just needed a little break from blogging. I hope all is well with you! I’m happy to be back joining in the fun. 🙂 Have a great week!

  9. Hi Katie,
    I hope you had a wonderful week. We were off camping for the last two weeks with hubby’s parents and we had a blast!

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  11. Hi Katherine, thanks so much for hosting, always enjoy reading the other great blogs. Hopping over to Lisha now to say ‘Hi’……
    Happy Thursday to you 😉 xo

Love each other as God loves you xo

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