fixing cooking mistakes

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  1. Hi there my friend! How are you and how is the little pup doing? Once again so sorry I have been away…it is just an extremely crazy time here and I haven’t been out visiting everyone on the blogosphere : ( soon i hope : ) Great tips…I have used the soup one and also use left over mashed potatoes : ) the rice — well i have never burnt it…secret…I have an Asian ricer which I have to say I LOVE LOVE LOVE…always perfect lol!!! : ) rice is always on here… hugs to you and I promise to visit more really soon! tons of hugs!!!!

  2. Thanks for the tips! I def make mistakes in the kitchen and it’s good if you can save a meal rather than having it ruined by a small oops.

  3. Great tips! When my hubby bakes his famous chocolate chip cookies, he likes to add a piece of bread in the container to keep them fresh and moist.

    (Thank you for the link back! hugs!)

  4. I’ve been a chef for a number of years. I have noticed what charming new ideas come from mistakes. I spend lots of time teaching my daughters how to fix things they’re preparing. Much of that has to do with the fact that we have to cook with gluten free alternate flours.

  5. I also use Potato Buds (instant potatoes) to thicken stuff up….for me it is the best because with the flour I end up with clumps ;)…I’m really horrible in the kitchen.

  6. I don’t eat sweets, Katie, so the tips about cookies and cake are n/a in my case. However, I found the first two useful, especially the one about using bread to fix burned rice. Any tips about spilled milk? I usually cry over it. 🙂 Have a wonderful weekend, dear friend!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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