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  1. What a great list of interesting books. I just had to leave a comment to say how wonderful to find a Canadian writer on the list. My husband and I have been following Louise Penny’s Gamache series since her award winning debut novel, Still Life and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed it. She has a great blog too!

  2. Wow, you’ve done a lot of homework Katherine. I recently purchased Mini Skirts and Laughter lines but the book won’t get to me (Australia) until November. Can you believe that? I’m not in your book club but love your reviews and will be keen to follow your blog to see what you decide. Cheers

  3. Thanks for the great recommendations sweetie but I have to tell ya, I’m kinda stuck on that candy bar cake below. Sounds just sinful!!!

    God bless ya girl!!! :o)

  4. Nice choices Katherine. I think “Trick of the Light” looks very good, but then I like mystery stories.
    and yes, it is hard to believe October is underway and sailing along at a rather fast clip too. It was just August and I never did really get to enjoy summer.
    I will just have to enjoy the heck out of autumn. 🙂

Love each other as God loves you xo

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