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  4. Katie – We ask for your forgiveness as party newbies in not realizing the importance of the linking back to Katherines Corner on our blog posts we share. NOW WE KNOW and will always always always show our appreciation to you for hosting this great party! Please feel free to hit us on the head with advice because we have a lot to learn! XO dear friend ~Sharon and Denise

  5. It’s easier to make a difference than what we think. My article this week is number 242 — Customer Service and Too Many Male Kiwi Plants.

    By making the simple decision to spend our money here, not there, we can encourage small businesses — many of which we run — because they are the few outlets of customer service left. You get what you pay for, and too often, we are willing to pay for shoddy products and even shoddier treatment.

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  7. Hi, thanks for hosting the Thursday hop. I enjoyed meeting others. I also am trying for the prize. 🙂

  8. Pingback: Someone to Grow Old With : Within the Moments
  9. Katherine,
    Hello and thank you for hosting again this week! I’m sharing a recipe for a NATURAL weed killer. Much aloha, Lori

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Love each other as God loves you xo

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