Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop 89

Its time for Thursday Favorite Things! I’m happy to have Tricia from Upcycled Stuff as my co host
The Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop is where you can link your favorite post or write a post about your favorite things and share it with old and new followers. You gain visibility for your blog and make bloggy friends too!
Remember to leave me a comment if you are a new follower so I can follow you back
Here are the rules, yes there are rules. But just a few: Please DO NOT link and run…visit a few of the wonderful blogs that are sharing here.
- Follow Katherines Corner preferably through Email it’s on my right sidebar (or facebook, twitter, bloglovin, etc. they are on my sidebar too) And My Co Host Tricia
- Please leave comments when you visit.
- Share the button or a link back on your post. Grab the hop button code from The button page It’s always nice to have the hop button on your post. It IS NOT mandatory; but a Link back to Katherines Corner is always appreciated 🙂
- No adult content blogs or links directly to your shops please
- Yes you can link giveaways ( they are everyone’s favorite thing) Add your giveaways to the Win It Page too!
Please let me know if you would like to co-host. I love to have a co-host every week.
I do my best to visit all of you. But if I miss you please forgive me and I hope you understand. Please know how much I enjoy hosting this party for you and having you share all of your wonderful posts and promote your blogs.
Now hop on and share your favorites. If you’d like to post this blog hop on your page please just grab the linky code.
Sorry, I no longer automatically add you to the reminder list. If you would like a reminder please just fill in your email and click enter in the form below this is used for reminders only 🙂
Hi Katherine! Just linked up to your hop for the first time! Love your blog and I am following you via Bloglovin’. I signed up for blog reminders too! Would love you to visit my blog sometime….
Katie, thanks for the party. I really appreciate your time in setting up for us.
Katie – We ask for your forgiveness as party newbies in not realizing the importance of the linking back to Katherines Corner on our blog posts we share. NOW WE KNOW and will always always always show our appreciation to you for hosting this great party! Please feel free to hit us on the head with advice because we have a lot to learn! XO dear friend ~Sharon and Denise
A lot of wonderful posts – I do appreciate you hosting and hope you have a blessed weekend,
It’s easier to make a difference than what we think. My article this week is number 242 — Customer Service and Too Many Male Kiwi Plants.
By making the simple decision to spend our money here, not there, we can encourage small businesses — many of which we run — because they are the few outlets of customer service left. You get what you pay for, and too often, we are willing to pay for shoddy products and even shoddier treatment.
Katie! Thanks for a great party. We love to party here. Best wishes for a lovely weekend ahead. Thanks for all you do! Hugs ~ Sharon and Denise
Thank you so much for hosting another great party! Have a wonderful and safe Memorial week end…hugs, Penny
Always glad to join your weekly party. Have a beautiful week!
Thanks for hosting! I so glad I found your blog 🙂
Hi Katherine,
Thanks for hostessing this great blog party. Hope that you are having a wonderful week.
Yael from Home Garden Diggers
Thank you for hosting Katherine!
Fluster Buster
Thanks for hosting & God bless!
Thanks for a great party! We invite you to drop by our site and share some recipes! -The Six Sisters
Thanks for hosting! Hope you have a wonderful day! Blessings, Gloria @The Resourceful Gals
Hi, thanks for hosting the Thursday hop. I enjoyed meeting others. I also am trying for the prize. 🙂
Hi! I found your blog on G+! I’m following on bloglovin & got your button up on my site:)
Happy Thursday Katherine!!
Thanks for hosting this lovely hop each week 🙂
Thanks so much for having me as your co host this week! I’m having a blast visit all of the wonderful links.
Thanks for hosting this! Have a great weekend.
Thank you for hosting!
Thank you for hosting, Katie! I am headed back to the blogs to read about those Memorial Day Smoothies…yum!
Thanks so much for hosting! Have a wonderful weekend!
Thank you for hosting another blog hop!
Have a nice week.
Marisa from
Great fun thanks for hosting Katie love the sharing
Happy Thursday, sweetie!
Another Thursday, another time of the week for sharing. Thanks for hosting Katie!
How’s it going Katherine? This is the first time I’ve jumped on board this early!
Hope you have a fabulous Thursday!
Thanks so much for hosting! Have a great day! 😉
Happy Thursday! Hope all is well with you!
Thanks so much for the party, once again!! Hope you’re having a great weekend!
Thanks for hosting, Katherine 🙂 Great to be here with all the others! Greetings from Australia♥ ~Pernilla
Hello and thank you for hosting again this week! I’m sharing a recipe for a NATURAL weed killer. Much aloha, Lori
Hi Katherine, thanks for hosting today, there are always fun new blogs to explore from the linky!! Have a great day!
This is always so much fun! Thanks for hosting, and have a lovely week!
Thanks for hosting, Katherine!! Have a great rest of the week!
Thanks for letting me share again this week. I hope you have a super Memorial Day Weekend!
Have a wonderful weekend 🙂
Happy Thursday Katie! Hope you have a fantastic holiday
Thankyou for hosting!
Thanks for hostiing, Katherine. Great party!!! have a good rest of the week and FUN weekend. XO, Pinky
Hi Katherine…thanks for hosting…and have a beautiful week!
Thanks so much for hosting!!
Hi! Thank you very much for hosting. Wishing you a wonderful Thursday.
Thanks so much Katie for hosting and so very happy to linkup as always. Happy almost Thursday!! 🙂
Thanks for hosting! =)
Have a wonderful evening!
Thanks a lot for hosting Katie! Have a wonderful Thursday!