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  1. What a wonderful autumn treat. They sound delicious. I’d have eaten mine too fast as well…only with ice cream. 😉

  2. Hi there, nice to “meet” you 🙂 Thanks for visiting, leaving a sweet comment AND becoming a follower – I am now your newest linky follower. These look absolutely delicious! I will have to try them sometime. Have a wonderful day!


  3. Here’s a hug. I’m far to lazy to create anything more complicated than a pop-open can of crescent biscuits, so I know you made this recipe with my lazy bones in mind. Thank you. Now, if I could get your husband to quit eating them, so you’d bring the leftovers to my house, I’d be even happier.
    I have a kid coming home from college this weekend. This will be perfect. thanks. And Thanks for stopping by my place.

  4. Perfectly delightful! I have used apples for something similar–and yes, I entered the very generous book giveaway–thank you!

  5. HOW Scrumptious are these!!!! What a brilliant recipe my friend…I am going to try it this week with the Asian Pears I have : ) YAY!!!!! So sorry once again for being MIA — just trying to keep up with the endless tasks! Hope you and yours are fabulous and hope my friend IZZY is PAWFECT!!!! sending tons of hugs your way! love…me!

  6. Oh, one of my favorites that I’ve seen, pears are second to none in this house! Your presentation of this looks great too, thanks for the recipe share.

  7. Katie,

    Your tarts look wonderful and so easy to make. I love pears and crescent rolls. I wonder if you can make these using puff pastries? In any event these make my mouth water!

  8. Oh, I know I will be making these soon. The crescent rolls are basically a stable in my frig. Thanks 4 the recipe.
    I like making apple dumplings using the crescents.

  9. I do like pears and cinnamon, this looks delish. I have a few recipes using the crescent rolls and biscuits, I posted a couple, but like you, have to work fast to get a photo ♥

  10. Katherine,

    You are the BEST! Thanks so much for inspiring me today! I need to make these for breakfast!



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