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  1. This sounds like an easy and yummy recipe… gotta try it, especially with all those tomatoes growing in my garden, I’m always on the lookout of new ways to incorporate tomatoes in my cooking. Thanks so much for visiting me and leaving a sweet comment and for following me. Come by and visit anytime. Have a wonderful weekend!~Your new follower, Poppy

  2. Hi Katherine,

    The pie looks delicious and I was wondering what to cook for dinner tonight, it might be this because it looks good. Thank you for sharing the recipe and hope that you have a great week


  3. Hi, it’s Just One Donna stopping by for Meet Me on Monday. Thanks for visiting and signing on as a follower. I’ll be following you as well. This tomato pie looks yummy. I love to share my favorite recipes as well. Looking forward to following you.

  4. Love this recipe! Will be trying it some time soon! Also, thanks for reminding me about Meet Me Monday…Oops! Forgot. Anyway, thanks for visiting my site and congrats on the award! Hope you have a wonderful evening!

  5. Visiting you from the Blog Hop Meet Me on Monday. Thanks for following. I followed you back. I look forward to visiting when I have a less busy day so I can thoroughly check out your blog.
    Have a great week.

  6. Holy yumminess! This pizza looks SO GOOD! I definitely need to try this recipe. 🙂

    I have a lot of admiration for you going dairy-free (along with sugar-free, caffeine-free, etc.). I thrive on that crap. LOL! Oh, I bet I could lose a lot of weight if I followed in your footsteps though…sigh.

  7. Oh that looks REALLY good..I also love the Green Onion in exchange for the mint.. : ) Wish I lived next door to you…I would happily volunteer myself to be a taste tester.. : )

  8. Thank you for the recipe. This looks sooo good. I’ll get all the ingredients together and start cooking!
    1. blueberry yogurt 2. ankle socks 3. very hot weather here in the 90’s and 100’s somedays, need rain 4. about 60 wpm, much faster typer when I was a school girl 5. a sweeter white wine

  9. Now that is “too” many things to be free of girl. I love cheese most of all and the sweeter white wines that have the amazing grape aroma.
    1. Blueberry 2. Ankle 3. Warm but not too bad, had a thunder storm last night with a lot of rain 4. yes 5. white or blush

    Hope you are not feeling bad today Katie, starting to worry about you my friend. Take care of yourself.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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