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  1. Wow, Katie,

    What can I say your site is so inviting to come to. Always something so wonderful to share with us all. I can feel the love and passion you send out to us all. Thanks for sharing

    skype smsforce

  2. Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting. That led me here. I have been looking for a better brownie recipe anyway. Will try yours soon. I also love your bird garden and need to try your Mini Frittatas. I love frittatas and these look really good for make-ahead and to be nicely contained for quick mornings. Now following you here. Have a great week!

    Stephanie – also on Voiceboks

  3. I can tell this is a very good recipe. My girls will love it if I make them! I think it’s a good idea to make them late at night to enjoy the next day. But then my thirteen year old will want them for breakfast, LOL!!! ;P

    Thanks for posting the recipe. I will try it.

    Ricki Jill

  4. Ooooo! Yum! I love brownies with nuts…especially ones with walnuts and real cocoa! You can never have too many good brownie recipes! :-)) Thanks!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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