egg drop soup recipe

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  1. I love new soup recipes. I haven’t had egg drop in forever , so I am anxious to try this. Thanks for the recipe!

  2. I have never made egg drop soup but I love it. I always want to pick it up when I have a cold or don’t feel well. It’s so comforting. This looks super simple…I’m definitely going to try it!

  3. I copy soups that I have in restaurants too. I made a Vietnamese Pho soup and my husband said that it tasted better than the restaurant!

  4. Egg drop sooooup! This looks wonderful! I haven’t ever made it before but it looks super easy! Thanks for sharing. ;D

  5. I believe I’ve made this once but it was a very long time ago. I’ve never had it with corn in it but would like to try it that way. 🙂

  6. Good morning! =)

    I love Chinese food, and could eat it all the time! =) ( chinese food and mexican food are my favorites )
    your recipe looks delicious!


  7. My family is going to be so happy I’ve found this! I have a great Chinese dinner that I make (see Chinese Pork and Rice dinner on recipe tab of my blog) and just the other night, they were asking if I’d ever made Egg Flower Soup. It never really occurred to me to do it…but…your post today must be a sign! Ha! 🙂

    I’m hosting a Homemaking Linkup and would love to have you join, if you’re interested.

    Have a happy day!
    Mrs. Sarah Coller

  8. Oh we love it too. It’s usually what we get when we eat out. Thanks for sharing. I will have to try it!
    Have a wonderful week. I posted for Blue Monday today come by and see me.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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