tea dunking cookies

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  1. Happy Memorial Day to you, Katie!!!

    These shortbread cookies look delicious! My daughter took over making shortbread at our house back when we were still in our last home and we often varied the recipe ~ soooo good with orange zest baked in! Lavender works well, too.

    I have Splenda since the doctor said to watch my sugars, do you just make the substitute you listed above and then use the 1/2 c. Splenda mix? Thanks for the information!

    Might make these to have later this evening,
    Barb 😉

  2. I have never been a tea dunker – didn’t even know that was a thing. But, your cookies sound so good I might have to make them and try dunking.

  3. Katherine, I love shortbread cookies! My sweet mother made them often. Can’t wait to try this recipe.

  4. Katherine, I am wishing I had some of these cookies right now! It’s been a pleasure participating in the blog hop and party with you! Blessings, Cecilia @My Thrift Store Addiction

    1. Sweet Katryn, I’m for sure making this great cookies, love orange anything. Thanks so much for sharing.
      Enjoy your long weekend.

  5. Oh my these sound just delightful – I haven’t gone to a high tea in many MANY years but you are making me want to have one in my own home 🙂 Thanks for sharing, found you at Thursday Favorites!

  6. Thankyou so much for sharing your Delightful Recipe! They sound so Delicious~ They would be great with coffee or milk too! Can’t wait to try them! Hope all is well with you and your Family……… Big Hug & Love Cathy

  7. Totally going to have to give your recipe a try now for I love drinking tea and these sound perfect to accompany a tasty, hot cup now! Hugs and Happy Tuesday, Katie xoxo <3

Love each other as God loves you xo

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