valentines day

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  1. It sounds like you have a wonderful Valentine's day. Though roses are lovely, I honestly prefer carnations as well. We have lucky husbands, don't we? 😉

    I adore your jar filled with reasons you love him idea. That is something my husband would love as well. I suppose we all love to hear we are special to someone, even men.

  2. What a lovely post, you sound like you have a wonderful relationship! Thanks for the ideas! I may use them next year or on hubby's birthday!

    If you have some time please stop by for a slice of my decadent dessert!


  3. The jar is a wonderful idea. So sentimental and filled with meaning! Putting together a gift like this can be just as much a gift to my own heart because it reminds me of what is important.

    Happy Valentine's Day!

  4. Making something is always great…or buying something sexy (new bra and panties) and parading about after the kids are in bed

  5. I'm with you on this one. I don't see the panic. It's an easy enough holiday to ignore, and even easier to celebrate. Candy and flowers go a long way. 🙂

  6. All of your Valentine ideas are super but I've gotta tell you. I read the comment that was a few above mine from Odie and I think his takes the prize. The capsule idea is fabulous!!! What a romantic!

  7. One year I went to the pharmacy & bought a large bottle of big capsules that were empty, wrote special love notes or gifts of attention, rolled them up on small slips of paper and put into the capsules. She was pick one every monday for a year. It was a big hit. Happy Valentines Day Katie.

  8. Love your jar idea…it's a super sweet one! It sounds like you'll have a fabulous Valentines Day…enjoy it Katie!!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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