eagles in flight sunrise

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  1. Hi Katherine .. good to meet you & thanks for following across .. I love these wildlife photos .. the eagle's always amaze me .. as do the teasel flower heads – cheers Hilary

  2. Hi Katie! Thanks for following my blog—I love yours, and really enjoyed your great photographs of nature. God bless….

  3. What beautiful photos…you have a real talent! Thanks for dropping by my blog and following me! I'm now your newest follower!

  4. cool photos. you are so lucky to have seen a bald eagle. we have them in the mountain areas here in California but I haven't seen one yet…I like the turtle, I have 4 pet red eared sliders, they are so cute! Thanks for following Crafty Geordi, I am following you back here…

  5. Fabulous pictures that feel like spring is coming….too bad about the litter but I'd take even that to be out in that beautiful spot!!!

  6. What beautiful photos. So lovely to see a bit of nature in the dreary winter! I recently joined MBC and found you there! Thanks for following me, what a pleasure to return the favor!

  7. Looks like a pretty good day out! 🙂 You lasted longer than I probably would have, in the cold. But you got some nice shots to show for it! 🙂

  8. You are definately an artist with a lens. Absolutely beautiful shots and I know you both had to have been so cold. Thanks for braving the cold and taking us along for the view. Have a great thursday.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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