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  1. I love water lilies! We have some in our pond that we bought last year, this will be the first time I see them bloom!

    Thank you so much for joining our I Love Blogging blog hop this week! I am following your beautiful blog 🙂 I hope you have time to stop by

  2. Lily pads remind me of flowers and flowers reminds me of spring and anything on the water makes me happy….so spring and water are the thought for today…THANKYOU, Katie!!

  3. I love water lilies…something about them is magical…we don't see those around here too often.

    Deanna 😀

  4. Stunning photo. Reminds me of the time I went to Monet's Garden and saw all the gorgeous water lillies there.

  5. You have such a pretty blog, and I love to come visit. I hope you like receiving awards…I'm passing along the Stylish Blogger Award to you. Find out more at my blog site. Happy Wednesday to you!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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