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  1. The wedding was beautiful. They looked so much in love. I pray they will be eternally happy.
    I am late getting around. Thank you so much for visiting my garden. We are enjoying the nice weather here but we are praying for our friends in the storm riddled areas.
    Have a fabulous week. Ginger 🙂

  2. Hello Katherine!

    Thanks so much for following my blog and leaving such a sweet comment! I planned to have an outdoor wedding with my prince two years ago and it did more than a little rain–it poured!!!! Our wedding was still perfect even if we had to move indoors 🙂

    I hope you have a great week!!

    P.S. My name is Katherine too, and good job spelling it the right way 😉

  3. It was a very windy day when I got married ~ and we’ve been married for almost 23 years!

    I wish William and Catherine all the happiness in the world and a long and peaceful marriage. They are adorable!!

    1. Oh I know, didn’t you just love it when he told her she looked beautiful when she stood next to him for the first time in her gorgeous gown…:-)

  4. I watched a little bit of the wedding. My kids wanted to see a “princess wedding” We didn’t have rain on our wedding day, but we still have good luck :). I am your newest follower from the Weekend Hop. It is so nice to meet you. You have a great blog.

  5. I hope they will be very happy! Prince William reminds me so much of his mother…

    I was trying to remember if it rained on my mine and hubby’s wedding day but its been almost 30 years ago… I do remember spilling champagne in my lap though, does that count?!!

    Thank you so much for visiting my blog an following me! I’ll be following you now too!

  6. Well I didn’t intend to but I did watch it. Here in New Zealand where we are 12 hours ahead of the UK, it was the early hours of this morning before I turned off the TV.
    Isn’t she beautiful – a real princess.
    I got married on a foggy day in London town. 4.45pm on a cold Sunday afternoon in November. But perhaps the fog was a good omen too (no rain). We stayed married for 41 years before my handsome Scotsman’s untimely death.
    As a displaced/misplaced English woman, I wish them both well and hope they appreciate the outpouring of love they received from the crowds on the ground.

  7. Oh, weren’t they adorable??! I think they honestly love each other too, which is so sweet. I certainly hope they find much happiness together!

  8. How sweet of you to write this! I had rain the morning of my wedding three years ago. Here’s hoping that it keeps being as lucky as it has been!

  9. Kate looked absoulutely beautiful and her dress was so perfect. They bring new hope to the Royal Family. Prince William is so like his mom.

  10. Lovely post Katherine! It was a day in which I was proud to be British! Didn’t Catherine look stunning, and I adored the dress. She just looked so radiant, and I think she will bring a breath of fresh air into the Royal Family!!

  11. W & C had a wonderful celebration and the crowds added to their joy. It was raining west of London, so maybe that can be their little luck. I got married with both snow and rain and lots of puddles around!

  12. I just love your blog! The total feel of it from the music to the design! I found it through the blog hop and I am a new follower!! I will feature you as a new friend on the front of my site this week!! Please come by and say hello.

    I think Kate is stunning! As a high school teacher, I would so much rather young girls esteem this new princess than some of the role models that they do. She depicts Strength and Dignity!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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