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  1. Ooooh, I know you have a lot of great current things going on, but this vegetarian section is awesome. I love this recipe, and the Black Bean Rice Salad I just left… I intend to browse around this section, often. No one else in the house enjoys vegetarian selections as a meal in full, but I do!! Glad to have found this…

  2. Hi Katherine, Thanks for sharing this great vinaigrette post on Fresh Clean and Pure Friday/Seasonal Saturday. I selected it as one of the featured posts from last week (that is where Claudia in the above comment saw the recipe too!). Hope you stop by, check it out and join in again someday! bye for now, Roz

  3. I am going to have to try this recipe. This is the second recipe I found on your blog today! My good friend, The Zany Housewife was telling me all about how to prepare artichokes and how she loves them. I think I will tell her about this recipe here too. I have never prepared them myself. I think I have eaten sometime in my past. Thanks again!

  4. Our family LOVES artichokes! Thanks for sharing the Vinaigrette recipe! My children love dipping their artichokes in some lemon and garlic salt! 🙂 (I think they will eat anything with a bit of extra salt! lol)

Love each other as God loves you xo

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