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  1. Hey there! I LOVE your book club idea. I get to review over fifty titles a month in my job, and I am a serious fan of almost all you have listed. I would love to be a part of your group!

  2. I am so excited to join your book club! What a great idea. I think I am voting for “One Summer” but all of them sound awesome. Can’t wait to get started! I’ve never been in a book club before.☺

  3. Stopping by from Comment Love Day & new follower!

    You have a very calm and relaxing blog … I think I could sit and stay here for a while … !!

  4. Following from the weekend hop. Guess what? I’m a voracious reader and one of my blogs is a bookblo— so I’m very happy to find your bookclub— And it is always great to meet bookworms outside the bookblogging community. Not that there is anything wrong with bookbloggers– just the more the merrier! 🙂

    I’m an eclectic reader and I love sci-fi so my vote is for Robopocalypse. Guess I might have to read it by myself though. haha

  5. I am voting too and I had already selected Maine. I’m so excited about this. I have not purchased or read any of these books yet by the way. Just want to make sure everyone knows I’ll be reading right along with you. Hugs!
    Don’t forget to link up on the book club page

  6. Hi there Katherine. I do think that this is an excellent idea. I would love to join in, BUT I am already of a thriving book club where I live, so I daren’t start on another one. 🙁 I would have gone for Maine as well by the way! Funny how everyone seems to have gone for that one! I wish you success with it.

  7. What a great idea! I actually looked for a book club in my area once, but couldn’t find one near me. I vote for Maine as well!Don’t forget to link up on the book club page

  8. So excited for you and your book club start up. I would love to participate, but already have loads of books on my shelves waiting to be read; maybe when I get caught up I can join in this adventure. ~Hugs, M

Love each other as God loves you xo

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