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  2. Those are BEAUTIFUL! We actually have lillies too but some crazy bugs EAT them raw before they fully come up 🙁

  3. I am currently living in a townhouse apartment with a small patio in the back. I do container gardening there, and this year had good intentions to plant some Asiatic lily bulbs. I’m in East Tennessee, and we’ve been hit with round after round of tornado weather for the past two months, so my container gardening plans kept getting postponed. I believe now that I’ve left it too late in the summer for the lily bulbs to flourish, so they’re in a cool, dry box under the sink, waiting for next year. I so look forward to one day having a home of my own with enough land for a small kitchen garden and space to plant my beloved flowers. I enjoyed visiting here, Katherine, and smiled at the beauty of your own flowers. Thank you for sharing with us.

    ~ Dawn

  4. Wow, Kathryn. Lilies. I have a special affinity to them since God granted me the most amazing miracle revolving around Luke 12:27: Consider the Lilies…..from that moment on they have “appeared” whenever I am in a financial crises and need the reminder that God will provide. I clicked on your website and found tons of Lilies! Just when I needed them the most. Thank you for being God’s messenger today.

  5. Hi Katherine,

    Your lilies are beautiful and thanks for sharing.
    I do not have any in my garden but my Mother always used to.
    Your book club is such a great idea.

    Happy weekend

  6. Katherine,
    Your lilies are so pretty. I had a few lilies in my garden-as I was snapping a photo of a 1st bloom, my dog took a bite of the flower!!!! Wish I had that photo now!

  7. Nope, no lilies. The only thing that grows in abundance in my yard is sago palms. I hate them, but can’t seem to control them.

  8. Snow in June? Where on earth are you?! Love the lilies – some of them – but can’t bring them inside – my nose knows and won’t be pleased! Glad they came through for you!
    Miss Kathy

    1. I know, right! We live in Utah close to the mountains. Sorry about your allergies. You can admire their beauty from afar or from my blog, giggle. HUGS!

  9. I adore the lilies in the teacups. Last year I planted day lilies and enjoyed a new bloom every day, but this year I planted other flowers. None of them quite as beautiful as the lily, though. Yours are gorgeous!

    1. Thank you so much. I collect teacups and I use them all the time. I will plant more bulbs in the fall and cross my fingers they will all come up again next year. Hugs!

  10. Lovely! I especially love how you put them in random tea cups. I have some day lilies that come up every year – they are very pretty.

  11. Love the way you have them arranged around your house! The yellows are stunning like the sunlight; but the pinks carry with them a simple beauty. Lovely post my dear sweet friend! ~Hugs, M

  12. What beautiful lillies…few though they may be! 🙂 I love all the color. And yes, we have lillies in our garden too. Well, I should say hubby has lillies in ‘his’ garden! I don’t get into all of the gardening thing…except to look! And ‘look’ I do!!! LOL

  13. Hi Katherine. That’s one flower that I don’t have in my garden but, looking at yours, I think I might have to put that right! I love your idea of putting them in all the pretty little containers like that . I love fresh flowers. I enjoyed your little poem today as well, so thank you.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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