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  1. Many years ago, the occasional egg and sugar, back and forth, was comfortable because I knew and was friends with my neighbors. Not so much anymore, people come and people go and we aren’t really comfortable enough to even do that. However, other things… I’m not much of lender. Nobody cares for my things like I do, plus, they conveniently forgot to return them. Therefore, if you need something bad enough, I’d rather just buy it for you, than get ticked off that you didn’t return mine.

  2. Great advice, Katherine! I would also mention at the time of the “borrowing” that it is an item that you do use and would want it back right after she is done. I agree about the food items, just consider it good Karma. 🙂 xo

  3. I think our neighbor uses our lawnmower more than we do….they hired a lawn service for 14 years, but money is tight now, so……all I can say is that I appreciate this post!

    Ricki Jill

  4. My neighbor loves my cat….many days I wish she would borrow the cat and not return it!! Seriously, so far everything has been returned, but there is great advice here just in case that does not happen.

  5. Some very wise advise here today I think Katherine! Luckily I do not have neighbours that borrow stuff. 🙂

    Hope you are having a wonderful October!
    xo Catherine

  6. I have a hard & fast rule as to this delema…….. I NEVER give anything that I can’t afford to never get back!! That goes for everything from a cup of sugar to money….. ( I also have learned how to say NO!!)

  7. What a great advice! As a neighbor who borrows, I always try my best to return within a few days. (But as you say, sometimes things get hectic and I forget!) But when I do return the item, I normally return the item along with a treat as a thank you. I like your suggestion of buying that “constantly” borrowed item as a gift! Brilliant! :P)

Love each other as God loves you xo

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