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  1. i neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed to make the luscious loaf!!! thank you thank you thank you! sending you tons of hugs…

  2. This bread does sound great. I am not a baker, but am now ready to venture into the baking world, and am starting to collect recipes. I have joined your blog. Patsy.

  3. I bet the aroma is intoxicating Katie. Looks wonderful. Linda & I will have to try it soon. Have a happy Monday my sweet friend. This is the first day of real retirement as it is just me and the dogs with Linda slaving away at the office.

  4. Hi Katherine,
    Congratulations !
    Just letting you know that you have won my FREE GIVEAWAY. Can you please send your details to me so I can pop your goodies in the post.
    p.s this bread looks sooo good !

Love each other as God loves you xo

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