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  1. lovely to find you Katie! {thru Hutt-write Linda’s blog}
    thank you for this perfect party!
    i’ve added my blog post to this party, added blog to your list, and i’m linky following 🙂
    please stop by for tea when you need a refreshing moment ~
    you’re most welcome…

  2. Pingback: Little Spring « House of Emery
  3. One of my favorite blog hops…you are such a gem for keeping us all connected! Much love my sweet friend.

  4. Hey Katherine! Happy Thursday…Happy Ides of March Day…Happy “It’s Springtime in Texas” Day! Thank you for hosting this awesome blog hop. I’m off to hop some blogs 🙂 more like a blog crawl for me though.

  5. Hi lovely lady.
    Thanks so much for hosting your sweet linky party.
    I hope you and your family have a wonderful St.Patrick’s Day.
    XXOO Diane

  6. Hi Sweetie! Just popping in to link up for our Thursday Favorite Things party ;o) Hope you are doing well, please give me a call when you have a minute so we can get caught up . . . . . I’m still battling this yucky sinus infection but making good progress every day. Looking forward to chatting soon! Love and hugs, Nina

  7. This week, I linked up my blog tips for Club-Content. Thanks as always for hosting, and have a great weekend Katherine!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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