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  1. Thank you for sharing at Freedom Fridays. The party started as soon as you arrived:) Enjoy you lovely week.
    PS Would love to see more pictures of Izzy:)

  2. It’s a lovely tradition! We don’t have any traditions for Mothers Day yet, but it might come as the kids grow older 🙂 It’s not really a big day here in Scandinavia though and that’s a pity.

  3. what a fabulous and gorgeous post!!! oh so pretty my friend just like everything you do! sending tons of hugs! i promise to be in touch more SOON!!!!

  4. These are beautiful! Can’t wait for my Mom’s garden to be full of tulips, roses and lilies. Have a wonderful Saturday, and happy birthday to your daughter!

  5. Your deck flowers are beautiful. Neat idea for a Mother’s Day tradition; a gift that keeps on giving all summer long.

    Excellent job on the first shot!

  6. Good, morning, Katie! What a great tradition, lucky you to have such a thoughtful husband and a beautiful daughter to celebrate! Your Flowers and Photos are absolutely beautiful!!! Thanks so much for sharing. Cheer to the weekend launch!
    ~Theresa @ Shoestring Elegance.

  7. I love that tradition. I am definitely going to pass that on to my husband. Have a wonderful weekend.

  8. Pingback: Coneflower – Twilight | Landscaping - Gardening

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