thursday blog hop

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  1. Hi Katherine, thank you so much for hosting! This is the first time I’m linking up with you 🙂 I can’t wait to visit all the other great ‘link-ups’.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Hi Katie,
      Please could you help guide me on how I can paste the button? Keeps telling me URL is invalid. Thanks.

  2. Hi Katherine — I’m here from the Backwoods Cottage & am a new follower [Linky & email] of your lovely site. Thanks for hosting a wonderful party & your great Blog List.

  3. Pingback: Coming Up Roses In The Garden
  4. Hi Katherine! Giddy with delight as I am getting on the other side of TOO busy to just moderately busy so I am getting back into Blogland this week with visiting and posting after a few weeks of lurking and just treading water posts. Hooray! And, linking in with you, too! So many posts here that just make me smile – I love the goodness and joy that is shared here. Thanks for hosting!

  5. Thanks for hosting ~ always great to visit here ~ very creative blog ~ enjoy the weekend coming up ~ not joining your ‘excellent giveaway’ ~ am trying to get rid of ‘stuff’ and simplify my life ~ thanks, it is a great giveaway ~ thanks, ^_^ (A Creative Harbor)

  6. Sharing a little of my gardens this week on your party. Literally sharing as I am giving away some of my beautiful iris that have multiplied!

    Thanks so much for the lovely party-

  7. Good morning my sweet friend ;o) Been a very busy week with Vacation Bible School every evening (and guess who’s in charge???) so I’m happy that we are getting to the end of the week. It has been great fun but everyone is exhausted – it’s a happy tired, but we are ready to slow down! Wanted to pop in first thing this morning before we get going on our day, so I linked up and am off to promote in the Ruby community and on the Ruby FB and +1 pages. Have a great Thursday! Love, Nina

  8. Good morning,…. Im hoping you are doing great this morning but I must be off .. I ca’t find where to link my post….

Love each other as God loves you xo

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