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  1. OH what a beautiful walk you took me on this morning. I love growing anything:) My grandmother always planted a roll of flowers in her vegetable garden. I’m not sure if she harvested them for decorations or under the belief that some flowers repelled bugs. And a perfect ending with little Izzy sleeping with all his friends:)
    Thank you for sharing at Freedom Fridays
    Hope you have a great day, my friend:)

  2. Katherine,
    You have an obvious green thumb! Your flowers and your garden are both lovely and thriving. I think I’m already a follower but I will add you on bloglovin’ just in case!

  3. I love the raised garden bed. My dd and I do tomato plants in pots. Of course that was before I learned of the hookworms. They kinda ruined me from growing veggies and I just stick to herbs and flowers.

    Found you through a Weekend Wanderings and hope you will visit me and join.

  4. Your flowers are beautiful, and the picture of your precious puppy is just too cute! We went through the wearing the cone with my dog. Oh, she hated it. Poor thing. I have the Sunshine Award waiting for you on my block sweet friend. 🙂 HUGS Kathy

  5. Wow ~ your flowers and your gardens are all doing so well. Everything looks great! I really like the pure white lilies. They are gorgeous.

    So nice stopping by!
    Kindly, Lorraine

  6. What gorgeous flowers. I love the mums. Those are one of my favorite flowers. I’ve photographed them so many times and drawn them. They rank right up with the roses. Good looking vegetables. I do well with peas in the past, but not too much else. I planted lavendar, mint and chamomile seeds and eucalyptus tree seeds, but I think I have only seen the mint and the heat kind of destroyed it. I think I will just have to get it all out of the big plant container and just into the garden and it will probably come back really well next year. I’ve got to get back to blogging more. I’ve been sharing the laptop with my daughter this last month as her online games don’t work on hers. So I have been busy knitting bracelets (i-cord and cabled), and now have caught the scrapbooking bug and have been paper punching tons of my scrap art paper and am starting to sell some of the paper pieces on ebay. I’m excited to get my designs on there soon too for people’s scrapbooking projects. So fall time will be busy blogging, scrapbooking my designs and knitting and I’ve got to make myself get back into the paper dolls.

  7. Wow, your garden looks fabulous. My garden is barely hanging on. The heat is sweltering. We did get a little rain yesterday but not enough. I love your garden. Hugs, Ginger:)

  8. Yes we have also been having extreme heat here in Italy for about a month now and our garden is suffering. I was impressed at how good yours is still looking Katherine.

  9. It’s incredible to me just how much is growing giving your summer is such a scorcher this year. Your vegetable patches look wonderful. I would love to have a yard like yours. And your dog Izzy is gorgeous. Great that she does such a good job of looking after her prized possessions xx

  10. Hi Katherine, I had to hop over because i did a post about summer blooms today also. Great minds think alike. lol! Your garden is looking lovely. That Hollyhock is so unique, I love it! My Zuchinni is huge this year also. Thank goodness I only planted one. Even still I am giving them away to my kids. Haven’t picked a tomatoe yet, but soon. Garden tomatoes are the best!

  11. Your garden pictures are so pretty! I love your Garden Angel. =)
    and Izzy is so cute!! ( makes me want to get a little dog )

  12. I see little Izzy is wearing a “lamp shade”
    We’ve had our share of times with that thing around our house! 😉 We need rain badly in my area so my poor garden doesn’t look nearly as nice and healthy as yours!

  13. The flowers and garden are thriving. Such a beautiful site to see. Thanks for sharing these images with us. Beautiful way to start the day. It is hot here in our neighborhood and we had rain every day for a week; but now with the weekend upon us, the sun is out once again. Wishing you a fabulous weekend. ~Hugs, xoxo

  14. Everything looks amazing and not a bit withered from heat. It’s hot here, but we’ve been having almost daily rain storms that have been keeping the temps cooler than they could be. After the rains, the steam and humidity are unbearable, not to mention the skeeters!

  15. Your garden looks amaaaazing!!!! Wish I had a great vege garden like this 🙂 Love seeing your beautiful flowers -the look of summer. It sure put a smile on my face as it’s winter over here in New Zealand. Wishing you a fabulous weekend, enjoy the sun!

    P.s: Izzy looks adorable,soooo cute 🙂

Love each other as God loves you xo

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