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  1. My signature scent was always Aromatics Elixir by Clinique. I wore that for 20 years. people used to stop me in the street to ask what i was wearing. When I met my husband I had to stop wearing it because he said that it was horrible and smelled like an old lady perfume. So, I switched to Dolce and Gabbana, Light Blue. He loves that. I do too, but I always resented him for making me switch. I recently bought myself a small bottle of Aromatics and now wear it when I am going to be gone all day or out of town. It has worked out nicely, I still get to enjoy my favorite scent now and again.

  2. My signature fragrance is TOVA. I started buying it about 16 years ago on QVC.
    I love it and it is perfect for people with asthma. I do also like Pure Grace from Philosophy and Falling in Love!

  3. I was gifted a bottle of Chanel No. 5 when I was sixteen years old, and it is still a favorite for me. I also wear Amazing Grace and L-air du Temps.

  4. I’ve always wanted to wear perfume, and have that “hey, that smells like you” reaction….years ago when I searched for a scent, it seemed that all I could find were heavy scents that made me headachey! I’d love to find a light one that I could wear and enjoy!

  5. How funny Katherine…
    I was just over at Sephora yesterday and came across a beautiful perfume both in presentation and scent. When my daughter smelled it she said that it was so “me.” I brought a little sample stick home while I decided whether to buy it or not. I put it in my iPad cover for safe keeping and have been smelling it’s sweet aroma all while typing this comment….I think I just might have to make it my signature scent….Hee,Hee,Hee.

    Hugs and Kisses,

  6. Did not wear perfume for a long time but recent purchased and am loving Wild One by Ed Hardy.

    Nominated you for the Liebster Award. Stop by and check it out.

  7. I also love those soft clean fragrances:) I always worry about being that sweet older lady that overpowers everyone with her fragrance so I also go easy on them:)

  8. I actually never thought about my “signature scent” until my daughter married this past May and moved away from Louisiana to Ohio! I wear L’Occitane’s Verbena (lemon spray). She went out in search of some for herself because she said when she got homesick for me she would just spray herself with it…

  9. Im not really a perfume wearer but I can totally relate to associating scents with people. Right now my daughter is wearing some sort of body spray and I love it! Fits her perfectly!

  10. What a great post! I love the Signature Scent of Fredericks of Hollywood, but I work outside so much I rarely use perfume anymore. When I smell Red Door by Elizabeth Arden, I think of my Grandmother and when I smell Pharamone by Marilyn Migland I think of my aunt…they have never worn any other scents but those. 🙂

  11. I like soft and light fragrances as anything too heavy gives me a headache. I don’t wear a fragrance every day, but do on special occasions. One bottle lasts me for ages so I don’t change that often.
    I hope you find that email, happy Tuesday! ^o^

  12. I’m sensitive to most stuff, so when I found one I could wear and it didn’t mess up my central nervous system, make my throat close, burn my nose, give me a headache and brain fog, or break me out, I’ve stuck with it. I’ve worn it for years and years and it’s the scent of cotton candy.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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