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  1. We rarely get snow in SC, but I saw plenty as a child in KY. That first snow is always exciting. I am in awe of the eaglet! How wonderful to see that!

  2. Lovely pics of the snow, I live in California by the beach so it only rains here NO snow, I was born and raised here so only saw snow once when i visited some friends in Virginia, IT was pretty but too cold for me, i like fully automatic coffee makers and fireplaces :’) Love ya Katherine!!!!!!!

  3. Haha! No we don’t! And that makes me very happy! We’ve had some earlier…but it’s in the 50’s today. We should see snow showers later in the week. I love looking at the snow…but seriously…it cramps my style! 😀
    Enjoy it!!!!

  4. Gee, I would have sent my snow to you if I knew how excited you’d be! LOL We’ve had plenty since late October! But I know how you feel. I too, get excited the first snowfall! Cheers.

  5. Lucky you! Since we moved to Texas we have only had snow here once during Christmas and it fell on Christmas Eve. It never snows here so it was such a delight to see the white flakes falling! It created a bit of trouble for people trying to get from one place to the other but it was worth it! 🙂

Love each other as God loves you xo

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