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  1. Sunday is our relaxing family day. This week though it was wet and windy so it was a day to catch up on movies and popcorn with the kids on the lounge. So relaxing 🙂 We have seen Flight too, I agree, Denzel Washington is absolutely amazing 🙂

  2. I have a “go-to” hoodie. I get really cold very easily, so a sweatshirt keeps me warmer than a cardigan 🙂

  3. Ohh, you have an ice fisherman in the house, I bet that’s neat to talk about from time to time. The pictures are great, and Izzy is silver! 🙂

    I love the length of the tunic. And cardigans are a fave, though I don’t really have a go-to. Happy rest of the weekend to you. 🙂

  4. Hi, Katie,
    Sounds like you had a pleasant V-day and weekend! I love most weekends, mostly because they are usually pretty laid back. Friday night is usually bring home dinner and movie night. My hubs brought home Chinese last night. We like watching older movies lately. Most Saturdays, my hubby works in the morning and I will sleep in. When he gets home, we will work on a project around the house (We are currently finishing trim in the efficiency apartment our son is in above our our garage. I’ll do some blogging. Sunday is church, lunch out with the family, and relaxing (sometimes doing something fun together). With it being winter, our outdoor activity is limited. Come spring, we’ll be outside a lot more!
    Have a great weekend!

  5. I was blogging seven days a week, but now I decided to do a recap on Saturdays, which last weekend gave me a nice chance to relax and finally catch up. And that is what I will be doing today. Oh and baking with my girls, too is on tap for this weekend 🙂 Have a great weekend and loved seeing all the pics, too!! 🙂

  6. Hi Katherine, new friends have shuffled over my way from your Thursday hop! I wanted to thank you for creating this and for posting about your weekend and that darling Izzy! Tooo cut! We bloggers appreciate you! Have a good one!

  7. Cute outfits! We don’t really do too much on the weekends. Baseball starts next weekend for my son so I’m going to enjoy hanging around the house until then. Have a great day!

  8. I love your cardigan, your outfit looks so nice!
    You reminded me to take a look at Coldwater Creek’s website, I love their clothes!

    On the weekends, I love to relax reading a good book and watching a movie or two on Netflix! =)
    ( I currently have a Dr. Quinn DVD thru Netflix, I love that series! )

    Have a awesome weekend!

  9. We seem to have more things to do than we can possibly get to! Tonight we are grilling steaks and drinking wine! We get to stay up late because we can sleep in on Saturday morning! Saturday we will hopefully be putting our gazebo back together after the wind tore it up Wednesday! Saturday night we will be sitting with the quadruplets while their mommy and daddy go to a party. Only one more week of lockdown and then the babies get a social life!!!
    Happy Friday, sweet lady!!

  10. It’s a treat to see pictures of you and Izzy, two of my favorite people. On weekends Mrs. Shady and I enjoy watching series available on Hulu and NetFlix including The Booth at the End, Black Books and Doc Martin. Have a wonderful weekend, dear friend Katie!

  11. I admit I need to enjoy my weekends more. I’ve been blogging on the weekends, and I used to consider that time sacred. This weekend I have some stuff planned, but after that I’m going to take back that sacred time. 🙂 Thanks for the reminder.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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