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  1. Pingback: 16 REASONS WHY HE WON’T PROPOSE | Teshuva
  2. Oh, Katherine I’m a day late in joining in…you LIFE has it’s priorities! But I’m sad to read that you have the “bug”…I’ve heard it’s really horrible this year so please get lots of rest!!!…:)JP

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  5. Thanks for hosting the fun party!
    I would love to have you over to my site on Saturdays for my linky party!
    Have a great week!

  6. Thanks for the party! I’m a little late linking up today. Hope you’re having a nice night. This week’s Homemaking Linkup is up and I would love to have you join, if you haven’t already.

    Mrs. Sarah Coller

  7. Wow, I can’t believe it’s Thursday – I thought it was Friday!!! Thanks for hosting another week, do you have to have a minimum of followers to be a co-host? Have a fantabulous weekend and thanks for “liking” me on FB.

  8. Thank you for hosting and letting me share my Crochet Roses with you! There are so many fabulous links here! So much fun! Have a great Thursday! I followed you on Twitter, Pinterest and Facebook!

  9. Katherine,
    Thanks once again for hosting another great party! Always a pleasure to join in!
    xoxo Nancy

  10. I’m excited to share my “free” lamp as one of my favorite things. I enjoy your blog and look forward to seeing other links. Take Care and have a good week.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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