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  1. Friday and Saturday it rained and was really cold. Sunday was ok, windy and chilly. Monday was our best day! Love the pic and love your site.

  2. Beautiful photo and Izzy is too cute! Have a wonderful Wednesday! Sorry it’s been a little while…life gets busy, no? ^_^

  3. Izzy is adorable and I LOVE your planters. We had a fun Memorial Day weekend in NYC with lots of fun activities for the kiddos. Found you through our mutual friend Rosie. Lovely space!

  4. I wish it was so hot here this past weekend. We had rain and chilly all day Saturday. Sunday, it was barely 65 with wind and Monday also windy with temps right around 70. So longing for warmer weather already. Please send some our way now 🙂

  5. Izzy’s a smart one (and the flowers/plants are pretty!). We had rain all weekend but we still went out in it and played. 🙂

Love each other as God loves you xo

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