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  5. Your Easter photos are lovely, Katherine! Where do you find your digital scrapbook paper and elements? Thank you for hosting another wonderful party! Enjoy the rest of your week! ~Christine

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  7. Looks like you had a lovely time with family! Always special to be together! I was missing mine this Easter. It’s been a year since I’ve seen my family and I’m really excited to be seeing them soon in June! Thanks for the party! Have a great weekend!

  8. Thanks so much for having this lovely party and for featuring my balloons on your FB. I feel so honoured you picked them! Have a wonderful day. Best wishes from The Netherlands, Annemarie

  9. Katherine ~ I absolutely loved your Easter pictures. Thanks for sharing your sweet family with us! I appreciate being a part of this special blog hop!Have a wonderful week and see you next week at the blog hop!

  10. Easter is one of my favorite times for the family to gather. I love seeing what a kick the kids get out of finding eggs again and again and brunch is always the best, leisurely and relaxed.

  11. HI Katherine, I did see your photos on Instagram and thought they were adorable! It’s always nice when we can relax and recharge. Thanks for hosting another great party and have a nice weekend, Lisa

Love each other as God loves you xo

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