thursday blog hop

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  1. Thank you for hosting this party. New follower here via bloglovin. I already follow you via email and google+. I hope that you will visite my blog and if you like my creations I invite you to follow me. I added my last project, is a table runner that I did in order to participate on a challenge, is the link number 275! I ‘m the last of the list at this moment.
    Marisa from

  2. Hi Lovely, I’m your newest follower from Aloha Blog Hop. Followed you via FB, Twitter & Bloglovin. Feel free to visit, follow & leave me comments @

  3. Sorry had to use my logo, for some reason it wouldn’t pick up the picture from the post, probably because they are in a slideshow!

    I’m on time today, woo hoo!

    Thanks for hosting!

    Have a wonderful, blessed holiday weekend!

  4. Hi Katherine!! I was worried I wouldn’t be able to make it here while it was still Thursday, but I did it! Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful weekend 🙂

  5. Happy Easter Katherine! I hope you have a blessed holiday. Thanks for hosting this party. Looks like a better than usual turnout.

  6. Thanks for hosting this fun party! Come link up your latest and greatest with me on Saturdays! Happy Easter!!
    xoxo ~Ruthie

  7. Thanks for the party. I’ve just posted this week’s Homemaking Linkup and would love to have you join, if you’d like.

    Mrs. Sarah Coller

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  9. I’ve just come out of hibernation, and thought I would come by for a visit (and maybe some tea, and hunny, and a muffin). I had no idea I would land in the middle of a blog hop! Way too much traffic and activity here for a Barely-awake Bear. I need a slower start to the year. I’ll come back when I’m more awake.

    Blessings and Bear hugs!

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  11. Hi Katherine,
    Thank you again for my favorite blog hop. I’m sorry that I did something wrong and missed getting my picture of “watercolor pinwheel pencils”! Take care and have a wonderful Easter! Aloha, Lori

Love each other as God loves you xo

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