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  1. I started thanking everyone one by one. Well I’d like to say thanks to all of you I didn’t reply to. And a special thanks to Katherine and all the sponsors!!! Happy Easter!!!

  2. Yes we will be hiding eggs for our girls! We also decorated some eggs yesterday! Wishing you a lovely Easter full of lovely moments!

  3. Hiya gorgeous! I love your blog. I am your newest lover on bloglovin! Follow back would be really cool. Cheers!

    Hugs x

  4. Congrats to the winners. I’m looking forward to this Sunday’s Easter egg hunt. Kids and their cousins are coming over for the activity. Yeah, I hope they’ll make tons of memories too.

  5. Yay for the winners! Happy Easter for you Katherine. It sounds like a lovely family weekend for you–always terrific to be with family. I am fixing a small Easter basket for my 85 year old aunt. She is such a sweetheart.

  6. Happy Easter Katherine!
    My children are grown, we wont be hiding eggs this weekend.. =(

    My Son and I will be going to Church on Sunday to celebrate this joyous Easter weekend! =)

    Congratulations to both winners!

  7. Happy Easter Katherine, hope you can stop by this weekend
    Thank you for all you do for us as bloggers.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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