bloom- giveaway- katherines corner

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  1. I would use it for either pet supplies or to help offset some of the mounting Vet bills for my little dog.

  2. If I won, I would use the winnings on groceries. We have a few BBQ’s planned down by the river and this would certainly help with our celebrations this summer 🙂

  3. Christina was a TV journalist for many years, but with a house full of kids she decided to come off the road, go to culinary school and follow her passion for cooking.

  4. We are taking our first ever family vacation in a few weeks, and I would spend this money on vacation on the kids. They are so excited!

  5. Christina was a tv journalist but could not resist her passion for food. She went to culinary school and now blogs her great recipes.

  6. Maria is a creative lady, living on the coast of South Carolina with her hubby, her kids and many many pets!!

  7. Katherine is a Mommy to one and she has five grandchildren. Let’s us not forget, she is a mommy to Izzy, too!!

  8. My nieces both have birthdays coming up, so I’d probably get both of them some cute stuff like a new outfit or some new toys.

  9. I would love the gift card I am in dire need of clothing. See last month marked my goal of 40lbs lost!! I changed my life entirely by stopping eating certain foods, as well as giving up soda…wahhhh!! I walk 2 miles every morning and do 30mins of cardio every evening. Now there are plenty of great side effect to weight loss. The #1 being the wonderful self confidence, from completing such a monumental goal. I have been carrying that baby weight for years! Back down to 155 yipee!! The one bad side effect is that none of my clothes fit me any more!! Wahhh!! I’m happy about the shopping of course, but my wallet is not!! This gift card would be a great start, to a new fitting wardrobe. I’ll be crossing my fingers!!

  10. Pingback: $220 Cash and Bloom Gift Package Giveaway | Mommy Comper
  11. I’ll use some of the money to pay for school and some books. Whatever’s left would be great for a quick vacation or maybe a nice dinner with my boyfriend 🙂

  12. Christina was a TV journalist for many years. She has a blog entitled “Mama’s High Strung” which is all about food… everything from creative recipe ideas to some really cool kitchen gadgets and cooking tips.

  13. I learned that Katherine is an open minded and spiritual person who strives to always maintain a positive attitude and greet each new day with grace, dignity and gratitude.

  14. I would put it towards gifts for my mother and my mother in law for Mother’s Day!
    Thanks for the giveaway! =)

  15. I learned that Mama’s High Strung stopped being a journalist to pursue her passion for cooking!

  16. I will save it. I’m trying to save enough money to go to Australia for my cousin’s wedding next year.

  17. I learned that Maria loves collecting pine-cones, shells and drift wood and making interesting projects from them.

  18. About Mama’s High Strung I was a TV journalist for many years, but with a house full of kids I decided to come off the road, go to culinary school and follow my passion for cooking.

  19. LIFE! is not always sunshine and fun beach days. I have my share of blues and I get though it with my love for nature and JOY! for creating decor projects for my home! About Maria

  20. About Katherine’s Corner I am an open minded and spiritual person who strives to always maintain a positive attitude and greet each new day with grace, dignity and gratitude.

  21. Re: WOW, I need the prize to buy much needed grocery & supplement to get well soon. OMG. Wow, prize amazon gc is fab. & splendid. 2 fingers snap. It is tight, fly & off the chain. Thank you for the awesomeness, the contest, and generosity. Pick me, pick me! Dear Santa: I’ve been nice. My X-Mas wish this year is to win this contest. Starving artist here desperately needs the Amazon gc to shop and eat. A life changing exp.

  22. I would use the money to decorate my house, I’ve just moved and I need some pictures for my walls!

  23. I will probably end up paying some of my student loan with the paypal and get this really cute purse I want on Kathy Vanzeeland website, thanks

  24. I learned that Katerine likes crafts,Mama likes to share recipes and Simple nature likes to walk outside daily.

  25. I would use the $220 paypal cash toward my paypal credit bill. I am just about near paying it off and with that $220 I would be down to 200 something or 300 and I’ll be paid off in a few months or so. 🙂 So I got toes and fingers crossed for this.

  26. I would use the money to pay bills and go to the dentist. Boring stuff, I guess, but it would save me from some money-related stress 🙂

  27. I learnt that Christina was a TV journalist for many years, but with a house full of kids she decided to come off the road, go to culinary school and follow her passion for cooking.

  28. I learnt that Maria loves collecting vintage items from antique shops and putting her nature spin to them such as her floral vintage tea cups and planting perennials and annuals in them.

  29. Pingback: $220 Cash and Bloom Gift Package Giveaway - Giveaway Promote
  30. I would probably treat myself to some of the wonderful things your sweet bloggy friends have on their sites, or some things I’ve had my eye on on Etsy.

  31. I would use the paypal to pay my bills, I had bought my dad plane tickets to Oregon and Washington, but plans changed so i hand to cancel and get him new tickets. so i’m out over $1500!

  32. If I won, I would spend my PayPal cash to get some gardening supplies. Need more pots and soil for my garden. Want to plant more seeds for herbs and veggies this year. 🙂

    amy [at] utry [dot] it

  33. I’ll either use it to pay down my CC or i’ll use it to take my mum out for dinner on mother’s day! Thanks for the chance!! 🙂

    – amber y

  34. Thanks for hosting such a great give away! I would probably use in for toys outside for my little ones and for a few new bushes for the front of my house. Some of the ones I planted last year died 🙁

  35. I would help my daughter decorate the home she is buying in Hawaii…wish I could pay for a plane ticket to visit her using paypal!!!

  36. Christina used to be a t.v. journalist. I tried to subscribe to her blog via email but a message said it wasn’t possible.

  37. I’m kinda undecided at the moment but maybe would spend on craft supplies.
    Thank you for this wonderful giveaway opportunity

  38. I still need a new battery for my darn car! This would help me with that! The rest I will use for groceries, and other “needed” things. I would hope I could use a little for something I want! Just something small….God bless everyone!

  39. I would use it towards birthday presents for two of my kids who have May birthdays and towards my daughters June graduation party.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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