pretty diy pumpkin decor

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  1. Love the bling. And love your helper. Thanks for sharing this. I want to try! I’d love you to come over and share your post and link the party at The Fabulous Fall Party/Link The LInky.
    Come over and let’s party and my house!

  2. Pingback: Washi Tape No Carve Pumpkins
  3. Pingback: 10 No Carve Pumpkin Ideas - Primp Your Pumpkin 2 Features! - Mom 4 Real
  4. Good morning Katherine… and thanks so much for visiting this morning… your pumpkins are fabulous!… as you saw on my post, I LOVE Autumn and everything about it… I want to try some of those pumpkins, although I don’t have a clue what modge podge is!… love your sweet Izzy too!… wishing you a beautiful Autumn day… xoxo Julie Marie

    1. Hello Julie Marie, I enjoyed your blog very much and look forward to many more visits. We are neighbors by the way.:-) Hoping we are soon experiencing real Autumn here soon. Modge Podge can be found at Michaels Crafts it’s like a clear paper mache’ paste ( pre-made with a little extra something) xo

  5. What gorgeous pumpkin. And what I like most is that since you picked such an elegant pattern you could pretty much leave the pumpkins out year round without them feeling too Autumn-ish. Stopping by from TGIF hop.

  6. Aw, the cake plate looks so cute with your new pumpkins. It was a good idea to buy it! AND those pumpkins look MUCH better than what we saw at the store! You’re so ‘crafty’. Can’t wait so see what ends up on the platter for the rest of the holidays.

  7. Wow, I am so impressed and these are gorgeous. You could totally sell these because I haven’t seen anything quite as nice in the stores at all. Absolutely beautiful and wishing you a wonderful weekend now, Katie!! 🙂

Love each other as God loves you xo

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