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  1. What a great post! I fall into the trap of trying to be perfect far too often. Of course, I fail and then I find myself discouraged and worried about my mistakes. Thanks for reminding us that we’re not alone!

  2. What a lovely post! I think every mother can relate to this tale. Motherhood is a blessing but one that is not easy, but how could it be? Every child is unique and who among us has the answers for every child? As you say, the important thing is to love and cherish our children, try and give them the support they need and then let them fly out on their own, knowing they are loved and wanted.

  3. And then we become grandmothers. That makes being a mother complete. Free from the fears and worries as a parent, and free to enjoy all those little accomplishments we were too busy to enjoy as moms.

    Loved this. Thanks,for sharing.


  4. Don’t all of us who are moms have moments of self doubt? We have to remind ourselves that we do/did the best we could and if it wasn’t all right, well that’s life and it’s not always perfect.

  5. Couldn’t agree more that once I had kids, I quickly realized there was no such thing as the perfect mom. Thanks for sharing and Happy (almost) Mother’s Day 🙂

Love each other as God loves you xo

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