Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop 151

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  6. Thank you for hosting, Katherine! Looks like you are having a great and fun week with your grandkids. Guess what? I just found out I am going to be a grandmother! 🙂 Yay!

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  8. Katherine, your party is the BESTEST! I really do find terrific things here every week. Isn’t spending time with the grand kids awesome. Have a wonderful weekend, and thanks for hosting. Carrie, A Mother’s Shadow

  9. Katherine, you have the funnest (is that a word?) blog hop of anyone out there? What a great bunch of bloggers, such variety and so much experience. It gladdens the heart. And look at your grandkids! Aren’t they beautiful? Enjoy, because as you know, they grow up too fast.

  10. I saw that Divergent was out on DVD but hesitate to watch it because I haven’t managed to read the books yet…which I do indeed have. How fun that you got to enjoy it with the grandchildren. (well most of them anyway). Happy Thursday my sweet friend. xoxo

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  14. Good morning! Working on this project this morning but can’t find the code for this week . . . . please resend when you get a minute and I’ll get busy promoting and hopping ;o)

  15. Was it grandparents camp week? I think there was a lot of that going on this week. Glad you had you kiddos over to love on.

    Thanks Katie! Best wishes for more extraordinary moments and memories in the making this week!

  16. O, there’s nothing on earth sweeter than our times with our grandkids. So so glad you had a great time with yours. 🙂
    Thanks so much for the fun party.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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