thanksgiving bouquet

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  1. It sounds like you had a lovely holiday. The meal certainly looked delicious! We call is dressing over here and as of today I’m getting tired of leftovers! Have a great week!

  2. Happy Thanksgiving from another migraineur ~ I also love this holiday but
    it can create tremendous head pain.
    Thank goodness for pain meds!
    All the best to you, Mimi

  3. We’re doing red mashed potatoes this year – it wasn’t planned but that’s what hubs came home with! 😀 Haha it’s funny you ask about the stuffing…I always call it stuffing and hubs will turn to me and say “I really don’t like my dressing in the turkey”…I’ve been telling him for years that I refuse to stuff a turkey so don’t worry…it’s really dressing…I guess it might be a tad confusing. Hehe

  4. Sounds sweet. I make my gravy the same way, except I use cornstarch and water….it’s so good to use drippings… I baked a fresh pork ham, not too long ago and got stranded at the eye doctor. I called the girl who was cleaning my home and asked her to please take it out of the oven and place it on the stove, wrapped in foil. She removed the ham from the pan, wrapped it in foil, sat it on the top of the stove and washed the pan….I came home to: no drippings. I nearly died. Fresh pork makes the best gravy!!!!

    I have my whole family at my house…(25+) for Thanksgiving every year (counting babies..and we do count babies… 😉 Most times I host it the weekend before, but this year I’m having it Thursday….family arriving from Texas and North Carolina…and all around…fun.

    Have a wonderful and…Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. I feel like this post was meant for me. It’s just us two for Thanksgiving this year as well so I’m making meatloaf. I have made chicken in the past and I we had our turkey in October (for my TG blog post) so going non-traditional this year. But now that I read your post, you have my mouth watering for all these dishes, decisions, decisions. Happy Thanksgiving! xoxo

  6. I have cooked several Thanksgiving dinners for just my husband and I since the Lord never blessed us with children. This year we are going to a friend’s house, I am taking the green bean casserole and sweet potato casserole.

  7. do you mind sharing how you freeze your green beans? mine are never that pretty and so I end up canning. Thank you so much for being so inspiring!

    1. Hello Ruby, I’m happy to share, I blanch them, then cold water bath, pat dry with a tea towel and wrap in cellophane wrap and them bag them up. It is so nice to have them throughout the year and especially to enjoy something from the garden and Thanksgiving. Hugs!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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